Tuesday, September 17, 2013


So it's been awhile..a long while. I've had sooo much goin on lately. I started working for Sephora about a couple months ago. Now I thought of sephora as my dream job. I thought oh I'll start at the retail level and then work my way up into either a makeup artist or brand rep. Well reality set in on my first day and I realized my dream job wasn't such a dream. I absolutely hated it. I only worked there for 2 weeks and it was one of the worst jobs I had ever had. And in my orientation my managers kept goin on and on about how much gratis you get and blah blah. Of course gratis wasn't the only reason I worked there but it was definitely a perk. I am grateful for anything but I was given a bag of gratis on maybe my third or fourth day. I was so excited to get home and open it up. It was just a bunch of things that I won't ever use and it was mostly samples like you get with your 100-point perks. The only full size product I received was a bronzer that was lighter than my skin lol. So I was a little disappointed. But still I thought it would get better and I kept tellin myself this is a career your making for yourself it's not about the gratis. It didn't get any better and I was miserable. So a week into working there I went to the MAC counter to see what newness they had and surprise surprise the manager asked me to fill out an application. Fast forward to today and I've been with MAC almost a month now and I am absolutely loving it. It is retail so of course there are bad days but I get to do what I love all day which is play in makeup. Also the gratis is actually things I can use so that's a major plus. And I have an amazing discount so some major hauls are on the way. I've been getting gratis about every 7-10 days but just a couple things from a collection at a time. So I'm gonna try to hold all the items so I can do a gratis haul every 3 months or so. Anyways it's late and I open in the morning so I better go to bed. Night loves!

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